More than 6 monthes later and still here
Last week was the 6 month anniversary of the accident. When I think back I am amazed at how far things have come in just 6 months. The day after I woke up I remember thinking about how my life had just changed forever, but I didn't know just how yet. I'm still finding out details of what was going on around me that night. For instance, I didn't know that there was a woman who came into the ER after I did with serious stab wounds. Apparently she was in a great deal of pain and making a lot of noise, I never heard her. I also never knew that it took almost 6 hours from the time of the accident to the time of my surgery. I do remember asking if I would be out of surgery in time for "My Name is Earl." I never miss that show, well except for that night. I also remember yelling "Someone is buying me dinner!!" at the top of my lungs when the doctor, ah, violated me while doing some sort of test. I remember the doctors and nurses bursting out in laughter. At least he said it was a test, I was too doped up to know otherwise. I also recently found out that my brother was in my room during most of the day when I woke up. To be honest, I don't even remember seeing him. I remember Stacey and Chris being there, but not my brother. I feel a little guilty but I'll just chalk it up to good drugs.
These days I'm getting along better and better. I mowed my lawn for the first time this weekend and did some other yard work. I am also walking less like a wounded duck and a little more human like now. I still can't fit comfortably in a dress shoe, but that will come in time. My toes are actually a normal size again and the only real swelling left is the arch and the ankle. I'm slowly getting motion back in my toes, but it's not coming as quickly as I would have liked. To be honest you would never know that I have a higher metal content than a Hyundai just by looking at me. Modern medicine and the human body's ability to heal continues to amaze me. Six months ago I couldn't imagine being normal again. Six months later I realize how little faith I had!