Wednesday, March 01, 2006

One small step for man.....

WARNING: If you are easily offended go read


Today I took a big step, well more like a shuffle, toward becoming a normal member of society. I poo’d in a toilet!!!! That is right ladies and gentlemen I made a grumpy in a real working toilet!! For those of you who do not know, I have been unable to make my way into the bathroom since the accident. The hospital wrote us a prescription at the beginning for a portable toilet that had to be brought to the living room and setup for me. This created a few challenges for us. First, I had to sit bare assed in the middle of the living room while doing my business. We have a lot of windows in our living room, which has a clear line of site to our front door. Our front door has a lot of glass too, it’s frosted, but you never know what people can see! Secondly, it had to be cleaned and since I can’t walk, that job was left to Stacey. You can imagine that it was not a pleasant job. I really felt guilty that she was forced to do that, but neither of us had a choice in the matter. So, today during my physical therapy appointment we worked on getting me into the bathroom on my own. And after the therapist left, I was ready for the big time. I’m not going to go into details, but everything was successful and I was able to get back out and to my chair. HOORAY!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was truly fabulous! Fan was turned on, toilet was flushed, and hmmm.. portable commode sat clean as a whistle outside! :) Loving it!

11:34 PM, March 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve, I have to say, while I don't enjoy knowing some of the pain and over all frustration that is/was and will-be passing though you as you recover. This post (and the one before it) made me laugh. Well and to be honest shiver in fear. What a mental pic. yuck. now you made me cry. Yes There I said it on the internet, I cried. thinking of Steve "bare assed in the living room, doing his thing", yes, I shed a tear. hummm, ok, I can't lie, it was just laughing.

good to see your spirits are up.
- A

1:10 PM, March 02, 2006  

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